heima= a garment, an article of clothing
tologist= an expert in a particular branch of study
'The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly, that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself, before she felt herself falling down what seemed a deep well.'
(Carroll 1862-64)
Lifelong Discovery
The Heimatologist's early career involved working as a costumer in theatre, specialising in historical dress. Her passion for history, dress, and research was sparked at 17 years of age by Mary Queen of Scots and the scholar Rosalind K Marshall.
After working for 17 years in theatre, in 2010, I embarked on a new role as a Lecturer in Costume at Birmingham City University. In the summer of 2012, in search of haberdashery for my students, I uncovered a gathering of dress. In a dark room were stacked floor-to-ceiling towers of archival boxes with intriguing labels such as '1890 Court Dress' or 'extremely delicate Regency dress.' These were inviting enough, but what I uncovered within was even more curious and sparked my research journey.
Brought up in a household where performance was an everyday occurrence, my Ph.D. and my research aim to bring all of my passions together, history, dress, costuming, and performance.

Events and happenings
The Heimatologist has presented papers at a number of conferences internationally and in the United Kingdom. and events and exhibitions. They have been privileged to collaborate with some influential academics and practitioners.

Included, are previous contributions to conferences, events, and publications.
(2022) Narratives of Dress: the Pink Silk Dress, Great Western Arcade, Birmingham. 8th-26th June 2022.
(2021) The Red Cloak: "A Sister Dripped in Blood" Culture, Costume and Dress 2021 Conference. Birmingham City University. 5th May 2021.
(2020) 'Cabinets of Costume: Renegotiating Participation Through Practice, Object-Based Study, and ‘Ghosts’ of an Assemblage of Dress.' Costume: the Journal for the Costume Society. [Special Edition] September 2020.
(2020)The Costume as Emissary. Critical Costume 2020: Costume Agency. Oslo [online] 21st- 23rd August 2020.
(2019). Renegotiating the Contract for Participation with Audiences of Dress and Fashion Exhibitions. Culture, Costume, and Dress. Birmingham City University. 2nd- 5th June 2019
(2019). Cabinets of Costume: Inspiring Tacit Knowledge and Curiosity through Object-Based Study. The Museum for All People: Art, Accessibility and Social Inclusion. Madrid University, 2nd -5th April 2019.
(2018). Making the Unseen Seen: The Kate Elizabeth Bunce Collection. The Proceedings of the 1st International Conference, Culture, Costume and Dress, Birmingham City University https://itunes.apple.com/gb/book/id1346874249,
(2017) Cabinets of Costume, Co-curator (exhibition), Parkside Gallery, Birmingham City University, 9th May – 5th June 2017
(2017) Making the Unseen Seen: The Kate Elizabeth Bunce Collection, Culture Costume, and Dress Conference, Birmingham City University, 10th-12th May 2017 http://ccd2017.org/
(2021) A Chance Discovery: A Gathering of Dress from Kate Elizabeth Bunce. Lecture at the Pre-Raphaelite Society. 20th March 2021. https://youtu.be/p5pBuCl2oxw
(2020) A Brief Discussion of University Art and Design Archives as Catalysts for Creativity and Research. Edinburgh University Press Blog. https://euppublishingblog.com/2020/11/12/a-brief-discussion-of-university-art-and-design-archives-as-catalysts-for-creativity-and-research/
(2017) An Accidental Archivist: The Kate Elizabeth Bunce Collection, Locksmith Cottage, Willenhall,
(2016) Performing Aestheticism- Aesthetic Dress as Performance. AHRC funded project ‘Reading Art’ with Dr. Serena Trowbridge, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, 16th April 2016 https://readingart.wordpress.com/

8th-26th June 2022, Great Western Arcade, Colmore Row, Birmingham, UK.
Narratives of Dress: the Pink Silk Dress, a costume drama.
The Heimatologist invites you to Narratives of Dress: the Pink Silk Dress, a costume drama in June 2022.
Practice- research, perfromed

Images from my practice in theatre are included here, with a selection of collaborations, partners and companies.
Included are a selection of costumes from A School for Scandal, (Northern Broadsides), From a Jack to a King, Insignificance, (Harrogate White Rose Theatre), Cyrano De Bergerac, and The Merchant of Venice, (The Royal Shakespeare Company).

Currently studying towards a Ph.D. at University of the Arts London, London College of Fashion with Amy de la Haye as my Director of Studies.
My Ph.D. title is, Costuming as an Authorial Practice: Reading and Re-Authoring an Assemblage of Every day, Aesthetic Womenswear from the Birmingham School of Art 1795-1885.

The Heimatologist has taught at Birmingham City University since 2008.
Specialising in costume design and practice , the Heimatologist has developed the programme initially, on the BA Hons Fashion Design with Design for Perfromance and now the new BA Hons. in Costume Design and Practice to prepare graduates for the costume industry.

All Videos

Narratives of Dress: the Pink Silk Dress (June 2022)

PRS Lecture Louise Chapman on Kate Bunce

Conference Paper / Louise E P Chapman

Contact The Heimatologist to discuss their published work, teaching, collaboration opportunities or for any other inquiries.
Birmingham City University